On Thursday April 28th, Darcy Schaffer and Austin Wood from Volunteers in Medicine came into I’m Big Now Learning Center to discuss Dental Health with the students. Darcy led the discussion about proper brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. She also talked about the best times of the day to bru
On Friday August 7, Game Warden Kapral came to visit I’m Big Now Learning Center’s summer campers during Community Helpers week. He brought lots of different animals from our local area to discuss how they live, their behaviors, feeding habits,and defense mechanisms. He told
On Thursday August 6th, Mr. Donald Fritzges, Supervisor of Kingston Township Public Works Department, visited I’m Big Now Learning Center. He discussed with the summer campers what road crews do during all four seasons of the year to make sure our local roads are safe year around. 
On Wednesday August 5th, Dr. Steven Miller presented a dental health presentation to the summer campers of I’m Big Now Learning Center. He did a mock cleaning of his son’s teeth, showed the students how to properly brush and floss his/her teeth, reviewed health/unhealthy food and drink choices
Dallas Post | December 12, 2018 Families from I’m Big Now Learning Center in Shavertown recently participated in a donation drive called Hoodies for the Homeless to benefit the Keystone Mission and other charitable organizations in our area. From left, first row, are are some of our students. Seco
Times Leader | December 10, 2018 Trucksville Volunteer Fire Department recently visited I’m Big Now Learning Center, Shavertown The children spent the morning learning about the importance of fire safety while getting hands-on experience trying on a firefighter’s uniform, talking about tools on
A Preschool and Full Day Kindergarten Licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education since 1995 meeting or exceeding all PA Standards for Early Childhood Education.
DALLAS — I‘m Big Now Preschool/Kindergarten in Dallas recently held its 20th graduation ceremony and awarded the Kevin F. Miller Memorial Scholarship for Kindergarten to Kiefer Shrader. The scholarship is funded jointly by I’m Big Now and the Miller Family in memory of Kevin, who was tragicall