AM Preschool/PreK Enrollment
Tuition/Refund/Withdrawal/Late Pick Up Policies
Our school year is from September through mid May. Tuition is based on one full year but for your convenience, may be paid in 9 equal payments. The monthly payment is the same each month regardless of the number of school days that month. Tuition is due on the 15th of each month beginning August 15th and ending April 15th.
There is a $25.00 Late Fee for payments made more than 10 days late without prior arrangements.
No Refund
There is no refund for sick days, snow days, holidays or vacation days. Your tuitions reserves your child’s space in the class. A Refund will only be issued if a child is moving from the area or a serious illness. A two week written notice is required if withdrawing from school.
There is a Late Fee of $1.00 Per Minute for pick up after scheduled dismissal times. We realize emergencies arise and the late fee will be waived in those instances. Late fees will be billed to those consistently late at pick up times.
There is a 10% Discount for additional siblings attending at the same time.