Dallas Post | December 12, 2018
Families from I’m Big Now Learning Center in Shavertown recently participated in a donation drive called Hoodies for the Homeless to benefit the Keystone Mission and other charitable organizations in our area. From left, first row, are are some of our students. Second row, Arianna Cella, Bruno Ciravolo, Cameron DeBiase, Megan Bradshaw, Tyler Lucas, Adeline Snyder, Nelia Costello, Matthew Forgach. Third row, Aylin Farrell, Faith Malinowski, Owen West. Standing: William Linnenn, Jordan Rollins, Oliver Branford, Abigail Mikovitch, Isabella Bacewicz, Evelyn Rakos, Alanis Lamoreaux, Zachary Ickes, Owen Beutel, Oliver Piazza.