Times Leader | December 10, 2018
Trucksville Volunteer Fire Department recently visited I’m Big Now Learning Center, Shavertown The children spent the morning learning about the importance of fire safety while getting hands-on experience trying on a firefighter’s uniform, talking about tools on the fire truck and gaining general knowledge about what to do in the event of a real fire. From left, first row, are Isabella Bacewicz, Nelia Costello, Thea Evans, Jordan Rollins, Nora Shaker, Damon Culver, Oliver Piazza, Aylin Farrell, Adeline Snyder, Miss Amanda holding Shane Barry. Second row, Arianna Cella, Jonathan Swire, Megan Bradshaw, Matthew Rogan, Owen West, Brayden Upton, Oliver Bransford, William Linnen, Alanis Lamoreux, Evelyn Rakos, Abigail Mikovitch, Faith Malinowski, Leora Levy,Lena Falcone, Lakelyn Summers, Zachary Ickes, Owen Beutel, Hunter Moyer, Tyler Lucas, Everleigh Morris, Oliver Bross.